Get rid of the foam on the sled and reduce your weight by using one of the reflective films that is light weight and does not absorb water.
Three hours and cool to the touch!
From Grant Sampson:
Couple of pictures from this past weekend at Wekfest in New Jersey. I haven't taken a temp reading but can tell you after driving three hours home from the Wekfest event in New Jersey, the piping was cool to the touch. Before, the thermal protection, if you touched the piping it would nearly burn your hand. I have the silver on the firewall behind the turbos. Amazing Product!
Turbocharged powerlab 350z
From Michael Cutali:
Turbocharged powerlab 350z @all Florida z
We were seeing 115-120 intake temperatures and recently on a trip to Miami we saw 99-105 pretty impressive. We can touch cold side of turbo right after two hours of driving!
We were seeing 115-120 intake temperatures and recently on a trip to Miami we saw 99-105 pretty impressive. We can touch cold side of turbo right after two hours of driving!